Prep and plan ahead for success!


Additional Services or Add-Ons:

- Vinyasa yoga classes - $125 per hour

- Catered lunch - $18-$20 per person+

- One-on-one coaching

Plan today to excel tomorrow!

Leave with action steps to incorporate healthy meals into your busy schedule and learn how to take charge of your workweek nutrition when you just “don’t have the time!”

After this workshop you will:

- Improve meal planning skills

- Acquire time-saving tools to shop smarter

- Get tips to simplify food prep

- Learn how to pack quick, healthy work lunches

Activity Options (Activities range from 30 to 60 minutes each)

- Yoga class

-Build your own mason jar salads (Add $14* per person)
*Does not include the food: Includes mason jars, handouts, and guided activity. Food varies depending on chosen caterer/restaurant

- DIY infused water bottles and create your own energizing trail mix (Additional $15 per person)