See the Sunshine Peeking Through the Storm

“We cannot choose our external circumstance, but we can always choose how we respond to them.” Epictetus (Greek philosopher)

I know this is easier said than done, especially during this time of fear and uncertainty. The virus is spreading, the stock market is plunging, and many are worrying about how they will pay their bills. My heart is breaking for my friends in the hospitality, music, and fitness industries who are receiving cancellations daily or their businesses have closed. We are stuck in our homes (many with children) and are trying to focus on work as we deal with the absence of human contact, decreased income (and toilet paper - hey I had to add some comic relief here), and increased fear and anxiety. While we cannot change the current situation, we CAN choose how we react.

Try to focus on the positive benefits of being confined to your home:

  • Take advantage of additional time spent with your loved ones

  • Tackle that work project you have been postponing or finally get to your “someday” lists

  • Try one of the 100’s of recipes you’ve bookmarked on Pinterest

  • Put on a workout video you keep saying you will “do tomorrow”

  • Declutter your home office, closets, and drawers

  • Pick up that hobby you keep on starting and stopping

  • Read the book that has been sitting on your nightstand

  • Journal and reconnect with yourself

Maybe you can even catch up on that much-needed sleep, which is super important to help you rejuvenate and boost your immune system. While quality sleep may be hard for you to think about at this time, below are a few of my favorite ways to help reduce stress, so you can calm your mind and unwind:

  • Work Out – Do whatever kind of exercise feels good for you to clear your head and boost your energy. Go for a walk or run outside and get the added soothing benefits of nature and fresh air. Check out free workout videos such as POPSUGAR Fitness, GymRa, or Fitness Blender .

  • Do deep breathing exercises – If you notice anxiety rising, breath in to the count of 6, hold your breath for 2, and exhale slowly to the count of 6. Try to make your exhalations even longer and perhaps put your hands on your stomach to experience the rising and falling. Do this several times until your heart rate slows down and your breath evens out again.

  • Enjoy a yoga practice – Check out my favorite yoga channel on YouTube, Yoga with Adriene. She has yoga videos for every level, and her voice will immediately relax you.

  • Do a guided meditation – My personal favorite is Simple Habit, which offers meditations as short as 5 minutes, so you can’t make the excuse, “I don’t have the time.”

  • Take a hot bath – Add lavender Epsom salt and essential oils to relax your muscles and mind. Play your favorite chill music and shut your eyes.

  • Express gratitude – I know it’s hard to see the sunshine through the storm. Things will look better if first thing in the morning and before you go to sleep at night you write down 3 things for which you are grateful. This will help you to focus what’s good in your life.    

Try these stress reduction tools and see what helps you the most. Do you have another method to help you alleviate anxiety and relax? Share in the comments below.

Remember, “Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose at any moment.” Maureen Killoran

Take extra care of yourselves during this time, and I hope that these positive activities and relaxation techniques help to make your day a bit brighter! :)


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