Ten Tips to Tackle Healthy Lunch on the Go

As life slowly returns to a more normal routine, those of you with on-the-go jobs will once again face the challenge of balancing travel and meetings with the need for self-care. The car is your office, and there is no set “work-break.” There’s no fridge, cafeteria, or list of reliable local restaurants, because schedules change daily.

Sound familiar to you? Several of my clients with on-the-go jobs expressed frustration caused by their struggle to eat well during the day. They were trying to make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle, but found it difficult to do so while on the road. It was much easier for them to just grab whatever was available, and this lead to poor choices. There were days when they skipped lunch—and we all know what happens then: you want everything in the fridge when you get home!

My advice to them and to all of you who struggle to eat well on the go is to create a process for healthy eating choices that will fit YOUR lifestyle. It is absolutely possible to eat healthy while on the road; it simply requires strategizing and planning to find the right solutions for you.

The 10 simple tips below can help you make healthier lunch choices when you travel for work, so you can feel great AND focus on your career! :)

  1. Schedule your lunch break – Look at your appointments, and slot a specific time to eat lunch. Choose a place to stop, sit down, and enjoy your lunch rather than eating mindlessly while you drive.

  2. Turn the car into your refrigerator – Keep a cooler or chilled lunch bag in your car to store your healthy, easy homemade lunches. In this way, you won’t be stuck with warm or soggy food when you’re ready to eat.

  3. Master the mason jar salad – Mason jar salads are fantastic for a quick workweek lunch. They are super portable, and so perfect for an on-the go option. They are simple to make, will last in your fridge for 4-5 days, and the combinations are limitless! Check out one of my favorites – Spinach and egg mason jar salad.

  4. Bring a Bistro Box – Starbucks lover? Than I’m sure you’re familiar with bistro boxes. Well, you can make your own in less than 10 minutes for half the price and design it to your liking. They are quick, flavorful, and great for travel. Make sure it contains protein, healthy fats, and colorful veggies, so you stay full and are satisfied. Check out some healthy sample ideas to inspire you. Really on a time crunch? Check out the no-cook ones!

  5. Sip on a Smoothie – Looking for a meal you can sip on in between or during your meetings (as long as it’s appropriate)? Try a smoothie. Make sure it’s packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fat, so you stay full and energized versus a fruit-loaded sugar bomb. Get inspired.

  6. Soothe Your Soul with Soup – Make a stew or hearty soup and pack it in a thermos to keep warm. Prep it while you are out and about, so it is ready for dinner when you come home. AND, you can take leftovers for the next day—a double win! See some crockpot ideas here. For those of you who are instant pot lovers check out these recipes.

  7. Find healthier pre-made alternatives – Rather than grab a sandwich or a slice of pizza from a fast food joint, check out nearby grocery stores. Many supermarkets, such as Whole Foods, have salad bars or refrigerated sections with a variety of healthy cold or hot options.

  8. Research healthier restaurant options – Rather than relying on a fast food chain or the nearest gas station, see what restaurants are on your route, and look at their menus in advance. If you are leading the meeting, schedule it at a restaurant of your choosing.

  9. Have a back-up plan – Keep healthy snacks on hand such as nuts, seeds, nut butters, sliced veggies, hummus, guacamole, or hard-boiled eggs. These are better alternatives to vending machines or gas station munchies.

  10. Outsource – I always say ask for help when you need it. If you are really tight on time and can use help with lunches, invest in a meal delivery service such Fresh Meal Plan to save time and reduce your stress.

So don’t let your on-the-go job be your obstacle to eating healthy. You can live well AND excel at your career!

Talya KosstrinComment