Simple Steps to Sleep Soundly!

I have struggled with sleep for many years. Either I couldn’t fall asleep because of my racing mind, or I’d wake up in the middle of the night and start to overanalyze EVERYTHING. I would constantly dwell on the past, worry about future to-do lists, and second guess decisions. Isn’t it funny how things become so much more dramatic at night?

I’d wake up the next morning feeling groggy and RUN to the coffee pot. After a jolt of caffeine, I was ready to take on the day. Everything would be great, but by 3pm I’d start to feel sluggish again, so I grabbed another cup o’ joe and BOOM, Talya was was back again! In the evenings I’d continue to respond to emails late into the night, have a glass of wine, watched tv to relax, and scrolled mindlessly through social media. And then I wondered why I was starting at the ceiling in the middle of the night?

I’m sure some of you are nodding your head and saying, “This is me!” You are not alone my friend—these days most people are sleep deprived. We are addicted to caffeine, constantly connected, always on-the-go, continuously adding more to our plate, and sleep tends to fall by the wayside. Sometimes sleep is even viewed as a waste of productive time rather than a necessity.

It wasn’t until I became a health coach that I really understood the benefits of a good night’s sleep, but it wasn’t until I became a mom that I TRULY valued those precious hours. When you don’t value the importance of rest, your body suffers the consequences. You need sleep to repair and restore. Quality sleep: improves your immune system, boosts your metabolism, increases your energy, balances your hormones, and enhances your brain function.

Over the years I’ve learned that there are certain things you can do during the day or before bed to help set you up for a deeper night’s sleep. I’ve gradually adjusted some habits and noticed that when I set myself up for success, I slept much better.

These are five of my favorite sleep tips to help you sleep more soundly, so you can get the rest you need!

1.    Swap out the afternoon coffee – Caffeine is a major stimulant and cortisol booster. Set a coffee cut-off time to 2 pm at the latest, and then switch to water or herbal teas. Yogi teas are my favorite!

2.    Give your digestive system a rest – Make sure your last meal is 2-3 hours prior to bedtime, and avoid waking up in the middle of the night with an upset stomach, indigestion, or acid reflux.

3.    Have an electronics curfew – Set an alarm for an hour before bedtime. Turn off the television, shut down your laptop, and step away from social media.

4.    Create a calming nighttime activity - Rather than falling asleep to the TV, read a good book, listen to a meditation, or do a short gentle bedtime yoga practice.

5.    Sleep in a serene setting – Use the 3 D’s! Declutter your room, darken the space to block out light, and decrease the temperature to a cool 68-70 degrees (Warning! this may cause some bickering between couples. ;-)

My sleep isn’t 100% all of the time, because I may choose to use my laptop, watch a later movie, or go out with friends for dinner and drinks. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I know exactly why that happens. BUT when I set myself up for success, I can count on great results—it’s a game changer!

Try to incorporate these tips, and let me know if they help you sleep more soundly! As with any change, rather than doing everything at once, focus on one action step at a time. You will gradually start to see all of the wonderful benefits.


Sweet dreams!